Where is your AIM?

Check out this image.... 


This is from a workbook from a recent conference I attended. As you know I try and attend a few external conferences to extend, or reinforce, my knowledge.

This picture resonated with me so much as I know it to be true for so many business owners.

So my question to you is...... Where is your AIM?

I appreciate that is quite a big question so let's just start with the current year... 2024.

Have you got a Sales Target (aim) for this current year? Or maybe you work to the tax year which ends in a few weeks?

And if you have a bigger AIM for the future does your aim for 2024 get you closer to where you want to be..?

I have attached a link in this blogger to a spreadsheet that may help you calculate your AIM for the current year. 

Sales calculator (stress free sales)

The sheet works to a monthly Sales figure which should help to assess what level of sales you require each month.

Simply download the file and fill in the yellow cells and see what is shows. Have a play and let me know the figure you decide on. 

The sheet will give you an indication on Tax (estimate only), set out a Marketing budget and a budget for Products.

Any problems then maybe book in for a Business review meeting. Email jcampbell@theforcesgroup.co.uk.


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