Mistakes v Failure

 I was listening to a podcast while relaxing in the bath (probably a sight you don’t want to imagine) the other day.

Phil M Jones was the speaker - he has a great book called Exactly What To Say. I recommend it for your reading list. 

The podcast covered lots of thing but 1 thing resonated with me HUGELY.

 In our training we talk about the only way to succeed is to fail. (Fall down might be a better thing to say). Failing is a key attribute to success. The problem is that many people don’t want to go through the pain of failure to discover success. Or they try something once and give up too early.

This was emphasised on the podcast but he added another element… mistakes!!

 Phil Jones made the point that there is a difference between failure and mistakes.

 His interpretation was that..

 a mistake is knowing how to do something and simply not doing it properly or consistently.


 a failure is trying something new and not getting the expected result. 

He makes the point that MISTAKES are inexcusable whereas FAILURE is the only way you learn to grow. 

 So often the simple things done well are the way to be get consistent performance and trying new things (new ways) is the only way to accelerate your growth. 

Too often we get lazy, get bored etc.. hence we constantly make mistakes that hold us back. 

 And few really see failure in the right way… and many don’t even fail cos they aren’t prepared to try new things, feel they can’t afford to try new things, or don’t even know where to start.

 Everything we talk about in business is relevant to virtually every single person, including you.

 So if you are looking for better results and need some help please don’t be afraid to ask. Book in a session through Jackie. Or seek help from others in the team. 



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