Good Conversion of Leads = More Sales and More Profitable Sales

Your Conversion Rate (CR) is a simple calculation of Jobs Won divided by the number of leads.

In mathematical terms you couldn't get any more simple and the result is a simple %.

If you read up much around marketing then you may see the reference of CR or CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization).

This is a term that can relate to many different aspects of sales and marketing but for this matter it is as simple as No. of Jobs divided by the No. of Leads (calls, text, etc...).

I have seen CR's as low as 15% and then up into the 80%'s. And let no-one kid you that they convert all their calls!!!!

Learning to convert calls is all part of your key learnings in business and is this video I touch on some of the basics...

There is a lot more involved in the sales process and look out for a following video talking about the various steps in the sales process and how each step involves investment from the customer.


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