TNT Inspired by the Conference... what are you doing..?
It has been great chatting to people since the conference and it is clear that a good few people are thinking about what TNT's they can put into use in their business.
In the video I highlight 2 idea that are being put into action with a few to being different to others, making you stand out and ultimately making the customer feel special. (Tiny Noticeable Things).
I know how good our customer care is across the board.... you cannot get 20,000 reviews without being good at what we do!!!
It also helps that we have a system and everyone understands the importance of reviews.
TNT - Tiny Noticeable Things - are extra little touches (metaphoric) that makes the customer feel special and have a profound impact on them. The kind of thing they weren't expecting (in a good way) and might even bring a bit of light into their day!!
I first heard Adrian speak about 14 years ago and the TNTs resonated with me and we have used them on many occasions.... and when they work it makes everyones day (including yours).
Please share any TNT's that you have introduced into your way of operating or if there are things you are thinking of and need a bit of help.
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