Reviews.... when's the best time to ask..?
Getting reviews should be a standard part of your day to day work. It should be second nature to ask for a customer review once you have completed each job.
Sure you might get a sense that certain customers may, or may not, take the time to give you a review but you will always be surprised so don't second guess.
The key to getting more reviews is to ask the right way and at the right time - as they say "it's not what you do, it's the way that you do it, that's what gets results!!"
For many of you, at best, it is an after thought which shows that the "value" of reviews is still not fully understood by many.
Reviews are a business asset and carry value - they will make you money - so if you considered the fact that getting a review was like someone giving you free money you might think more about how you go about asking for reviews.
The video carries some really simple advise to set out when to ASK for a review and HOW to ask for a review. There is a huge amount of psychology involved so please listen carefully.
If you have any tips for getting reviews please add your comments.
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