Mindset - Dealing with Fear

When it comes to making the big decisions many people become crippled by FEAR.

Big decisions - like buying a franchise, employing / firing staff, investing in more marketing, getting a new vehicle - can be huge scary decisions and in many instances they are decisions that many people are not prepared to take.

The problem with making big scary decisions is that we get wrapped up in irrational thoughts that gather momentum until you cannot see the wood from the trees.

I recently listened to Nigel Botterill talk through a process of dealing with FEAR whenever you need to make a big decision.

The talk from Nigel was very insightful and I thought I would share the simple steps to remove the fear.

1. Write down all the negative thoughts and worries you have about your decision. By writing them down it will start to lighten your mind and you will start to see how "dumb" some of your thoughts are.
2. Cross out the worries and concerns that are irrational.
3. This will leave a number of worries or concerns. Now break these into 2 sections - ones you can control and one you cannot.
4. For every point that you can control you need to consider how you can avoid the issue or what you could do should it happen.
5. For every point you cannot control you need to make a conscious decision to ignore it.

As you can see the process is simple but you need to take the time to do it if you want to get clarity to make the right decisions.

The process does not dictate that you say YES or NO to the decision but it will allow you clarity to make the right decision for you.

I can assure you that I have spoken with many franchisees over the years with some big decisions to make OR a big issue to deal with. They ring normally in a state of panic and distress.

In the majority of cases we talk things through and the "huge issue" is rationally put into perspective and action can be taken.


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