Walk Ins... all part of your Marketing mix

A key part of your marketing mix is to identify key prospective customers and make an approach to introduce yourself and the service you provide.

A key target market is Estate Agents / Lettings Agents and Property Managers as they are likely to manage a portfolio of properties that are likely to require the service you provide.

Many of these can be found on the high street of most towns and cities in the UK.

You can approach new prospects in many different ways but a really effective approach is a direct Walk In............. a simple introduction as a local business owner and an offer to help them if needed.

A Walk In is not about trying to sell your service.... its about an friendly introduction to start a potentially long term relationship.

And like all relationships it may take some time to build the KNOW - LIKE and TRUST factors that we talk about, but you have to start somewhere and you can make a real impression with a non sales Walk In...

It you need the follow up material (emails) that form part of the process and / or the folders then please call the office or email headoffice@theforcesgroup.co.uk.

If you required any assistance with your marketing then the team at HOST are here to help.


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