
Are you Following Up enough

  I have had an interesting week and have spent a bit of time with a number of franchisees. I massively enjoy talking to you all and always come away with some new thinking, or something happens that acts as a reminder for me. I was chatting to a small group saying how pissed off I get when you put in a quote and then you never hear again. Well that had happened to me a few times over the last couple of weeks – a couple of nice quotes had been put forward after following my structured process and then radio silence. For some reason some prospects seem to have access to the “witness protection scheme”…… uncontactable. And the fact was I had followed up more than a few times on each…… and got nothing back. However, following my trip I was determined to get an answer and find out why they hadn’t purchased from us. I was determined to ensure that I either got a return for my time investment by getting a “yes” or I found out the reason they had not moved forward. Happily I can confirm t...

Turning Customers into Raving Fans....

  Check this out.... I was in London the other weekend watching my daughter Tori doing the London 10K run. It was a great little run through the streets of the West End, along the Embankment, past Big Ben and then to Downing Street. At the end of the run we decided to go for lunch in Covent Garden.  You'll probably know that there are lots of restaurants around Covent Garden and there is a certain one called Flat Iron. It was recommended to us but you can't book. After a short walk we arrived to find a queue of people waiting to get in for meal. And I mean a queue - check out the photo. We were starving so we didn't bother waiting and moved on. However, this got me thinking... how can a little restaurant attract so much attention and yet other restaurants nearby were empty? What was this place doing that clearly had raving fans queuing to get in for food? I appreciate that we are in a very different market than a restaurant but doesn't it make you think?  What am I doin...

Are customers hiding behnd a text or Whats app?

On the Lockforce monthly call on Tuesday there was mention that customers are using the Whats App facility to contact you via a text message as opposed to calling. This was reiterated again in another couple of conversations thereafter. So this has got me thinking? Is this a trend or just a bit of a blip...? From the stats I see there is clear use of the What App function on the webpages, but still relatively small compared to calls. So how do we deal with the dreaded Whats App / Facebook message, text or email..... "I need some new locks, how much will it be?" or something similar. Here is something that I use in the event that I see something similar on Facebook... Customer... "Hello, I would like a quote for xxx." Response... "I am sorry to hear that you have a problem.  So that I can understand the situation and give you the best advice , what is the best number to contact you on…?" This will get me one of 2 responses..... 1)  They text me the number t...

The Importance of Following Up...

  I was chatting to Damien earlier this week who laughed to say he was in Birmingham last weekend and left his keys in his car.  First a call to the local Lockforce technician who couldn’t help. Car locks are a special type of work and some of the team can open car doors. Then a few calls to some other locksmiths who quoted £200-£300 to gain entry!!  Eventually he found someone who was offering a reasonable £75 but was on a job and couldn’t make it until 9pn {about a 2 hour wait).  Damien didn’t want to wait so ended up ringing his brother to arrange the spare keys to be driven to Birmingham.    However, just before 9pm the locksmith who was busy sent a follow up text to Damien to see if he had got the situation sorted.  And guess what, Damien told him that he was still waiting to get a solution and a short time later the locksmith has retrieved the keys and Damien was sorted. This local locksmith was a very wise man to send a follow up text to see if ...

Where is your AIM?

Check out this image....    This is from a workbook from a recent conference I attended. As you know I try and attend a few external conferences to extend, or reinforce, my knowledge. This picture resonated with me so much as I know it to be true for so many business owners. So my question to you is...... Where is your AIM? I appreciate that is quite a big question so let's just start with the current year... 2024. Have you got a Sales Target (aim) for this current year? Or maybe you work to the tax year which ends in a few weeks? And if you have a bigger AIM for the future does your aim for 2024 get you closer to where you want to be..? I have attached a link in this blogger to a spreadsheet that may help you calculate your AIM for the current year.  Sales calculator (stress free sales) The sheet works to a monthly Sales figure which should help to assess what level of sales you require each month. Simply download the file and fill in the yellow cells and see what is sho...

The is a difference between your Task and your Purpose

 This is a visual that I captured at the Entrepreneurs Circle. "Know the difference between your task and your purpose." Just think about that for a moment........ Your task is doing the things you need to do to get the job done... that is your TASK, whereas your purpose is to create a successful business with "loyal" customers that use you time and time again, refer you to friends and talk to others about you. However, creating "Loyal" customers is not that easy and in the majority of cases requires way more than just getting the job done.  Customers expect you to do the job they have employed you to do, so that alone is unlikely to create Loyal customers. Let's be clear, doing the job alone with not hurt your business but is less likely to drive it forward. It normally requires you to create a memorable moment (or TNT is you ever listened to Adrian Webster at our previous conferences).... a "wow" moment. From experience it is the little ...

The Decisions we make.....

 Running your own business is about making the money you need to have the life you want...    But running your own business and making money IS NOT easy….   No one should tell you otherwise.    And then when you make money you have to learn what to do next….   I have included the picture as I thought it was quite thought provoking….. 🤷 ‍ ♂ ️ 🤔   Personally, I don’t like the reference to “Rich” and “Poor” but I like the concept they are trying to show. I have been involved in the Forces Group for 9 years. (I know, for me it feels like only yesterday when we first got involved.)   And over the years I have always aimed to pay myself a salary so I can pay the bills and live my life without too many frills and spills, but after that I am constantly looking at investing back into the business, which makes the business stronger which in turn protects the life I have.   So are you thinking the right way…. what could you be d...