
Showing posts from February, 2022

Good Conversion of Leads = More Sales and More Profitable Sales

Your Conversion Rate (CR) is a simple calculation of Jobs Won divided by the number of leads. In mathematical terms you couldn't get any more simple and the result is a simple %. If you read up much around marketing then you may see the reference of CR or CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). This is a term that can relate to many different aspects of sales and marketing but for this matter it is as simple as No. of Jobs divided by the No. of Leads (calls, text, etc...). I have seen CR's as low as 15% and then up into the 80%'s. And let no-one kid you that they convert all their calls!!!! Learning to convert calls is all part of your key learnings in business and is this video I touch on some of the basics... There is a lot more involved in the sales process and look out for a following video talking about the various steps in the sales process and how each step involves investment from the customer.

You Cannot Get Consistent Leads without Consistent Activity (The Sales Success Formula)

If you want to improve your sales you must perfect the Sales Success Formula.... this is part 1 In this video we talk about the most important part of running a business - lead generation. I am not sure I know any business please cannot operate, grow and make money without getting new customers from leads. We are all good at our job and I am forever hearing the words "I get all my work through word of mouth". Now, to be fair that is not an issue as long as it brings you enough work so you earn what you want, and it brings in the type of work you want to do. But if you want consistent leads then you need to figure out how to do the right things, the right way so that leads flow into your business on a consistent basis.  If you master this part of business then you are in control of your destiny.

Good Health = Good Business

If you are feeling a bit dejected or lack motivation then ask yourself if you are actually looking after yourself properly or are you losing the fight with your health and fitness. I have spoken to many franchisees in recent weeks who have chosen to take action and get more physically active to improve their health, weight and general fitness. They have all said how taking walks, running, going to the gym, watching what they eat etc.... is contributing to their mental wellbeing which is having a positive impact on their business. Wow.... common sense but few talk about how being in good health can really help you when in comes to business. When the shit happens or things are going wrong some people queue up to be a volunteer (they claim they are a victim which is rarely the case) and some people take positive steps. Today I am raising my hat to those that are taking the necessary action to ensure that they are looking after themselves - by getting fitter and healthier - and seeing impr...

The Words That Should Never Be Said By A Business Owner

  The transcript of the video.... Many of you will know that I actively seek out new learnings and experience and i get a lot of ideas and inspiration from a place called the EC run by a serial entrepreneur called Nigel Botterill.  He is very good at what he does and his only failing is that he follows Leeds United. To be fair I get loads of inspiration and ideas from you guys. Anyway he shot a little video the other day talking about the words that should never be said by a business owner.....  I watched it and it really resonated with me. So what are the words you ask...? I'll tell you in just a minute because they are important but the point of the video is 2 fold, share the words of advice from Nige and also make it clear that following advice ain't simple. We all share the same challenges so none of us are different. So I was chatting to Phil Shaw the other day about a strategic idea I was thinking about.... and at the end I nearly said the words that I shouldn't eve...