The Wrong way to quote for a pest control contract
From spending time in the network and talking to a number of people it has become clear that there are too many instances where we are allowing the customer to dictate the type of service we are going to provide. In one recent case we were providing ad-hoc service to a customer. Pestforce had a "contract" with the customer but he didn't want to pay for a regular service. He just wanted to have a visit on request and paid accordingly. The customer was happy with what we did so we were "complacently" happy. Then EHO turned up and the customer pointed the finger at Pestforce as the "appointed" pest control company. We were able to explain the arrangement to the EHO and remove any culpability on our part but a lesson learnt. In so many cases it appears that the service level is driven by how much a customer is willing to pay / has been paying to have professional pest control. Unfortunately this can be a reflection on how much they value our profes...