Save the NUMBER
I was with a franchise recently and he received an inbound call from a 0161 (Manchester) number. He immediately rejected the call and mumbled about it being “another bloody sales call”. The number was actually 0161 820 6080 …. and is our outsourced team that deal with some of our phone calls. They are called MIPA and are based in Manchester. They receive calls from the website, put the customers details on the Ops system and will look to patch the customer through to you directly. So I would recommend that you save the NUMBER to your phone and label it accordingly so you know what to expect if they call you. Yes, you will pay commission on the job if it is successful but better to get the job than not. As an aside I know that many franchisees ignore calls from dial codes outside of their area assuming that they are sales calls. Personally I would not ignore any call as it could be a genuine prospect. And if you are getting sales calls then look to block the number. You can...