
Showing posts from December, 2022

30,000 Reviews

Back in April 2017 we discussed the value of online Customer reviews at the first Group Conference at the Birmingham Motor Cycle museum. In those days we might have had 30-40 attending. One of the talks was on Reviews and what Review platform everyone preferred..? There was lots of differing opinions but with the help of Trustist it meant we could accommodate everyone. In 2017 the Group has amassed not much more than 1,000 reviews in over 10 years but following that meeting the Group hasn't looked back. There were some cynical views from around the network but they have been silenced through the results achieved since. We have a very specific process for collecting reviews and that is why we rhythmically collect hundreds a week. If you are a top operator you will know when to ask for a review and how to ask for a review. And if you are one of the best you will even follow up (nicely) to remind a customer of the importance of a review - good or bad.  The best performers get over 30%...

Red Ocean v Blue Ocean - position yourself away from the competition

 This article is for anyone who is keen to start THINKING more about how to position themselves and their business better in 2023.   Best grab a few quiet minutes and a tea / coffee and either listen to the video and / or read the text. They are largely the same thing. During the Lockforce part of the conference in 2022 we discussed the difference between 3 types of service providers in the sector.  The Rogues The Amateurs The Professionals   As you can imagine we discussed this as a group and unequivocally agreed we fit into the Professional category. And then we listed out all the reasons why… Our know how, our uniform, our tools, our ID badges, our liveried vans, insurance, DBS, communication, punctuality etc…..   There is no doubt that we are a professional outfit and everyone who pulls on a Forces Group uniform should strives for the best and to do their best. If you are not tuned into all the things list above then you h...