Attitude - part 2

Further to my last post on getting your attitude right, here is part 2. So in the last post the suggestion was that negative things (and people) are not going to help you get to a positive Attitude (or a YES Attitude as the author calls it). And it is fair to say that negative thoughts and feelings are caused by real things that happen every day. The author says "shit happens, people happen and shit people happen". "Your reaction to the negative crap, or negative people who enter your life (or in your life), is the FATE of your ATTITUDE." This re-enforces the mantra of who you hang around matters. To break through the negative things the author provides a list of positive things that will help your attitude..... Anything funny - always aim to have fun Personal Meditation - your mind and body are interconnected Taking a walk - a great way to start the day or clear your mind (and get some sunlight) Positive self talk - praise yourself Helping others without expectatio...