
Showing posts from February, 2021

Don't Judge Me!!

I have a confession to make..... last night at precisely 17:45 I received my vaccination JAB!! Yes, a doctor stuck a needle in me and wished me all the best. I had the Pfizer jab which meant I had to wait 15 minutes to make sure there are no side effects and off home and wait for the antibodies to do there stuff. As I have said before, there are reasons to be cheerful (although that is a bit selfish). I haven't told many people about it but when I have I tend to get asked how I managed to get the jab... Sometimes I tell them I paid to jump the queue 😀 - which I didn't. Sometimes I tell them that I look good for an over 65 year old - and I do that to stop them from being that rude like my brother was. Sometimes I just tell the truth. People are clearly judging me on what they see without knowing the facts. We all do it.... judge people, judge customers....... without really understanding all the facts.  And this is the point of this blog.... Stop making quick judgement (or assu...

How a simple walk got me into the Top 20..?

I talk a lot about being in the Top 20 or striving to get into the Top 20..... This term "Top20" is from a set of business statistics that highlight how only 20% of businesses are successful (ie. really making good money and thriving). And the sad reality is that while 20% are successful there is the 80% that are NOT. (80% = 60% getting by and 20% struggling) These are stats that I learned during a business conference in 2012 and hold true today. Ultimately the definition of "successful" will vary depending on what you are trying to achieve (in business and life) so consider the term "Top 20" aimed at you if you are not happy with the results you are achieving at the moment. Aiming to be in the Top 20 is about constantly learning, adapting and pushing you and your business to where you want it to be.  What I find is that so much you learn in life can help your business and so much you learn in business can be used in life.... So how did a simple walk get m...