Protect your Integrity..
You all know my favorite subject is Customer Reviews. This video is about making sure we preserve the full integrity of the Reviews on your local pages and on the main website. We are currently the MOST Reviewed Business in the UK in the Pest control sector and the Locksmith sector. That is something to be proud of and allows us to stand out from others. By standing out from the crowd we are more visible to lots of people - this is good news on one hand but will also invite people who want to snipe at us. On a recent episode of Watch Dog a number of websites came under fire for "false" reviews. There were reports (and proof) of tradesmen / company's... buying reviews, writing their own, getting friends / family to write them. This is madness and complete suicide in today's market. For the Forces Group a Review is GENUINE if it was given directly by someone that has received or benefited from our service / advice, the review was completed by ...