Are customers hiding behnd a text or Whats app?
On the Lockforce monthly call on Tuesday there was mention that customers are using the Whats App facility to contact you via a text message as opposed to calling. This was reiterated again in another couple of conversations thereafter. So this has got me thinking? Is this a trend or just a bit of a blip...? From the stats I see there is clear use of the What App function on the webpages, but still relatively small compared to calls. So how do we deal with the dreaded Whats App / Facebook message, text or email..... "I need some new locks, how much will it be?" or something similar. Here is something that I use in the event that I see something similar on Facebook... Customer... "Hello, I would like a quote for xxx." Response... "I am sorry to hear that you have a problem. So that I can understand the situation and give you the best advice , what is the best number to contact you on…?" This will get me one of 2 responses..... 1) They text me the number t...