
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Decisions we make.....

 Running your own business is about making the money you need to have the life you want...    But running your own business and making money IS NOT easy….   No one should tell you otherwise.    And then when you make money you have to learn what to do next….   I have included the picture as I thought it was quite thought provoking….. 🤷 ‍ ♂ ️ 🤔   Personally, I don’t like the reference to “Rich” and “Poor” but I like the concept they are trying to show. I have been involved in the Forces Group for 9 years. (I know, for me it feels like only yesterday when we first got involved.)   And over the years I have always aimed to pay myself a salary so I can pay the bills and live my life without too many frills and spills, but after that I am constantly looking at investing back into the business, which makes the business stronger which in turn protects the life I have.   So are you thinking the right way…. what could you be d...

Working IN your Business or ON your Business

 Have you ever heard the expression  “working ON your business or IN your business”.     In simple terms….   Working IN your business is about doing the physical day to day operation of your business. (money today)   Working ON your business is doing the thinking, analysis and actions that will move you (and / or your business) forward beyond what it is doing today (money future)   As a solopreneur this can be hard to find the time to work ON your business, particularly when it is the actual doing when you see the £’s coming into your bank account.   However, it is the working ON your business where the biggest change can happen!!! Amongst many, many other things it is about understanding the numbers in your business, reviewing the numbers in your business making changes (take action) to impact the numbers in your business etc…. having a marketing strategy, working on your marketing strategy etc… ...