Success is NOTHING More.....
If you are looking to develop and grow (as a person in business) then this could be a good read…… Most of you will know that I have a select number of people that provide me with guidance and inspiration. These are people that would easily be in the “Top 20” and some edging towards the “Top 1%”. They are not my friends or my family… they are specific to helping me manage and grow the business and with life in general. I don’t listen to a lot of the rubbish that I hear from many people in business or people who sit on side lines (they don’t even run a business) and tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I certainly don’t absorb myself in the sh** and negative stuff that gets put on Social media. Who do you take inspiration from and who do you listen to…? Apart from your partner. 😉 Running your own business is tough, and more than anything it can be mentally challenging. And it is made harder as a lot of people dwell on the negative things a...