Become one of the Top 20
Before we start it is important to highlight the true facts of all business across the UK. This shows that 80% of business are “getting by” at best and only the top 20% (15+4+1) are achieving a good level of success. I am pleased to say that across the Group our figures stack up much better than these general figures, but if you took a cross section across the network we will always be those that are flying, those that are moving towards the top, those that are getting by and a few that are finding it much harder to make progress. To move up the pyramid you simply need to be WILLING and ABLE to do the right things. The path to success is relatively SIMPLE but it is certainly not EASY. The key lesson here is that if you follow the "crowd" (ie. the 80%) then you will be just like the majority and this is unlikely where you want to be. Dare to be different and dare to be better than the majority – but prove it rather than just talk about it. A number of things that will help yo...